Materials following your Parent Consultation Meeting

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We were very sad when we heard that we were not to be able to have face to face meetings with you, but having had meetings with all of you, we have to say, how lovely they were! How nice it was to see you all (without masks on!) and to be able to talk to you about your lovely children!

There are lots of resources -

High frequency words: these are the most common words in the English language and can really boost your child's reading and writing when  they can sight read these words. 

Tricky words: These are words that cannot be decoded and children just need to learn as a whole word. 

Phonemes: These are the letters/sounds we have learned so far.

A sound mat: This is useful when writing in order to support the children in remembering what a sound looks like. Encourage them to find the sound themselves, but help them if they can't do it within 10 seconds. 

Letter formation sheets: There is not a single child in reception who forms all their letters correctly, so this is an ongoing practise sheet that you will need to help your child with any letters they need to work on.

Number formation sheet: See above! Letter formation needs a lot of work too and we will be working on this in school.

Number square and number line: For adding, subtracting, and spotting patterns in numbers.

Pencil control workbook: If your child has spidery writing or difficulty controling a line or writing with their pencil, this is good practise.

Wow sheet: For you to let us know about any achievements outside of school - getting dressed independently, reading a book, learning to swim, ride a bike, lay the table, be a kind sibling etc. Please encourage your child to draw a picture if they want to as this will go in their books. 

You may wish to put these resources on your computer for easy future access.

As always, if there are any problems, please get in touch.

The Foundation Stage Team

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