Home Learning activities for the week beginning 22.02.21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021








Use links to website

Monday to Thursday  - daily speed sounds during live register.

You can suplement this be using the Daily Ruth Miskin phonics sessions



See videos

Play snakes and ladders to practise counting on and 1-1 counting

  Watch the maths video and use it to practise part part whole maths using objects - the video tells you what you need.  

See if you can repeat the part part whole using objects, recording on your sheet,and then by recording as a calculation.

If you want to take it further, you can by exploring number nonds to 10.


see video 

Writng frame


Be reflective and think about the different things you have been doing in the holidays. Can you draw a picture on your writing frame?

Generate sentences to say what you have been doing. Say them out loud before you write them down. Use the tricky word mat to help you. Listen to the video of Mrs Rowlands reading The Gingerbread Man Story. Can you orally retell the story of the Gingerbread Man? Can yo draw and label your own story map to retell the Gingerbread Man story?



Listen to your child read for 5 minutes or read them a story.

Use Bug club online (your child’s log in details are in their reading record)

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes

Use Bug club online

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes


Pancake Day: Watch Mrs Pemberton make pancakes. What changes can you observe?

Have a go at making your own pancakes at home. Can you observe changes when you mix the ingredients together? What happens when you cook your pancakes?

You can take a picture of yourself eating your pancake with a knife and fork and send it to your class teacher. 

Learning about vets: Explore the Purple Mash activities to learn more about vets and create your own vet practice.

You can watch Mrs Pemberton's video to learn how to navigate on Purple Mash. 



Watch Mrs Webber and her helpers play the Traffic Lights Game and practice different rolls

Can you have a go home?

Joe Wicks is doing live PE sessions on his You Tube channel every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Joe Wicks


Joe Wicks




  • Watch our video from Harry our school mental health partner. This week he is taking us on a guided meditation journey!




Watch Mrs Pemberton's video to learn the days of the week in French.

Have a look at the Badgers saying the days of the week in French on Purple Mash!



 Watch Mrs Rowlands' song video.

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