Foundation Stage weekly blog 11th May 2020

Class: Mice Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have had a really good week. I have really enjoyed reading the tweets about what is happening in school and looking at everyone's toilet roll challenge videos!

Ruby from the Rabbits has sent this video of her playing the triangle! Isn't it brilliant! What a great skill to master!

ruby playing triangle

Georgina made some bird boxes with her Dad. They look very warm and cosy. If I was a bird I would want to live in one!

This week I noticed something in my garden that I have never seen before.

I was working in the garden and I noticed some holes in the gaps between our paving slabs outside and so I sat still and watched, and saw that tiny bees were going in and out! They are the size of my little fingernail and I thought they were ants, but they are bees! Here is a picture of a tiny bee sitting on my finger!

This week Mrs Blackburn has been making bread!

Here is a recipe if you would like to make some bread too!

Here is a great idea for an activity like Ruby's last week:

Mix some colours and then paint a different colour blob in each space of an egg box. When you go on a walk, try to find something the same colour as the paint! You can take it with you for each walk and find a different thing each time!

Have a great week - check out the activities posted for you, and remember to look out for the bedtime story on Friday. 

Stay safe everyone, and send me pictures of what you are doing so I can show everyone your ideas!

Love from

The Foundation Stage Team

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