English Home Learning wk beginning 29.6.20

Class: Foxes Year: 2019 - 2020

Hi year 1 ,

Just to remind you that for English this week you can carry on with your own James and the Giant Peach story.  If you have not had a go yet and would like to then please do look on the previous English home learning post for everything you will need.

As we wanted you to be able to take as much time as you needed over your story we gave you two weeks for this.


If you have already completed your own James and the Giant Peach story here are some ideas of other things you could do.  Don't forget to take a picture (if you want to) and tweet it to us or email your class teacher we'd all love to see them.

  • Read your own story to a family member or a friend (you could ring them or catch up with them on zoom on share your story with them).
  • Reading - log into Bug Club and read a book you have on there.
  • Phonics - watch Ruth Miskin's daily phonics lessons on youtube.  The link is below, lessons are at 9:30 for 15 minutes and the lessons are available to watch for 24 hours if this time does not work for you.

  • Play on Small Town Superheroes.  There are some fun English and phonics games for you to explore.

Play some Obb and Bob to text your real and alien word skills



We hope you enjoy these suggestions and writing your stories. 

Year 1 team