English home learning w/b 8.2.21

Lesson: English

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi year ones 

We have a busy timetable this week so there will only be one English lesson and activity. We would like the children to write a letter to someone they have chosen. Ideally they will write this as independently as possible. Independent writing is really important as it helps to see what skills the children have learnt and what their next steps are. It also helps to build writing stamina and confidence, as well as encouraging them to understnad that it is ok to give things a go and make mistakes. If you have any questions about how to support you child in writing or what year one expectations are, here is a video I uploaded a couple of weeks ago that might help: helping your child with writing. 

Here is the lesson video

We hope that the children enjoy writing their letters and that their loved ones enjoy recieving them smiley

Have a lovely week and a very relaxing (and well deserved!) half term. 

Take care 

The year one team

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