English activities w/b 25.01.2021

Lesson: English

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hello year 1s 

We hope you've all had a lovely week. 

This week in English we will be building up to writing our Arctic setting descriptions on Thursday. Lesson 1 is to write a word bank to help with your writing. For lesson 2 you will be designing and making an Arctic setting. You will need a shoe box size box for this, plus other junk modelling materials and some paint if you have some. If your child will be in school on Wednesday, please could they bring a shoe box or similar into school with any thing else they have at home which they would like to use. Lesson 3 is to write a setting description. 

Each lesson has a video and a worksheet, which are attached below. We have also made a video for parents on how to help your child with writing, which I have put into a seperate post. 

Lesson 1 - write a word bank

Lesson 2 - design an Arctic setting 

Lesson 3 - write a setting description 

Handwriting example video lesson video 

I hope you enjoy this week's English. Please take photos of your settings to send to your teacher, we would love to see them! 

Take care 

Y1 team


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