English activities w/b 18.01.2021
Lesson: English
Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021
Hi Year 1
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the snow this week! Here are the English home learning activities for next week. There are 3 English lessons and one handwriting. For each English lesson there is one video and one pdf with the activities. There is also an additional power point activity for Lesson 1. Each English lesson has an independent and a deepening task, which is an extra challenge which your child may wish to have a go at but is not necessary. For a link to the videos, click on the lesson name which should appear blue and underlined. I have also attached the video of the story of The Great Explorer, which was sent out in week one but your child might want to watch again to remind them of the story.
Lesson 1 - question marks
Lesson 2 - adding -ed suffix
Lesson 3 - adjectives
For the handwriting, there is a lesson video, a demonstration video, a practise activity and the lesson activity. I have attached the worksheets and hyperlinked the videos below.
The week after next, on Wednesday 27th January, the English activity will be for your child to build an Arctic scene in a shoe box or similar as a stimulus for creative writing. You will get more information next week but you might want to start collecting any items that could be useful. Children who will be in school that day will be asked to bring their items in. Google search 'Arctic diorama' to get some inspiration!
Take care and thank you for all of your hard work – parents and children!
The year 1 team