English activities w/b 1.2.21
Lesson: English
Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021
Hello year 1s
I hope you enjoyed designing and writing about your Arctic settings last week. We really loved seeing all the pictures you sent in to us, it looks like you worked really hard on them.
This week we will be writing about the Titanic, building on the history learning you have been doing. We will be imagining that we are passengers on the Titanic and writing letters home, describing how grand and beautiful it is (or dirty and cramped if you're third class!). Lesson 1 is to practise using question marks, a new skill we learnt earlier this half term. Lesson 2 and 3 is to plan and then write your letters. If you are feeling creative, you could tea stain your letters to make them look old! I have uploaded the resources you need for each lesson, including a Titanic word bank which will be useful for all 3 lessons.
Here are the videos for each lesson:
Lesson 1 - question marks
Lesson 2 - plan a letter
Lesson 3 - write a letter
For handwriting this week, we will be practising our zig zag letters. Practise video Lesson video
We hope you enjoy your English activities this week. Thank you again for all of your support with home learning. We are always here if you need any help or support.
Take care and stay safe!
The Y1 team