English activities w/b 01.03.2021

Lesson: English

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hello year 1s 

We hope you are all doing well at home. We are so excited that we get to see you all back in school again very soon! Thank you so much for all of the hard work you and your parents have done on your home learning for the last two months. You all deserve a medal! 

Here is the home learning for English for next week. You will be creating a dragon and writing a fact file about them. Let your imagination go wild! 

Lesson 1 - creating a dragon and writing adjectives. Here is a video clip from How to Train Your Dragon that you might like to watch for inspiration (or watch the whole film if you like!) 

Lesson 2 - write a fact file. 

Handwriting lesson video

Curly caterpillars example video 

Thank you again for all of your hard work and support over the past couple of months.

Take care 

Team Y1 


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