11/1/21 Home Learning

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Dear Foundation Stage,

Please find attached this week's homelearning planning. There is a timetable which outlines the activities we will be covering in classrooms each week. Staff have recorded videos to introduce each topic.

We recommend that you use Ruth Miskin's videos on youtube to practise phonics daily as each child will be working on different sounds. Please refer to your child's reading record to find out if your child is working on set 1 (single sounds and sh, ch, th, ng, nk) or set 2 (ay, ee, igh, ow, oo). Please contact your class teacher via email if you are still unsure. We have recorded a short video to model how we teach phonics in our classroom.

Please remember that in the class children will be working in a group with a grown ip and will be expected to focus for up to 10 minutes at a time. We would like yo see one piece of work each week to see how you are getting on.

This week, teachers would like to look at your guess who writing. You can either take a photograph of your work and send it to your teacher via email or alternatively you could use the writing too on purple mash to record your work.

This week we are starting live registers with you. We will have to have your microphones on mute, so please can you make a hello sign so that we can see you saying hello? We are looking forward to seeing you!

We hope you will have fun this week!

The Foundation Stage Team

Weekly timetable F2

Week beginning 11th January 2021








Use links to website

Daily sound of the day with your class teacher during remote learning register.

You can also access Ruth Miskin phonics session for extra practice.

Sounds being covered this week are: ay, ee, igh and ow.


See PDF and video

Recap of 2d shapes

Names – triangle, square, circle, hexagon, rectangle.

Practise writing numbers to 10.

Properties of shapes – numbers of sides and vertices (corners).

Practise writing numbers to 10.

Sorting shapes according to their properties.


See video


Read the Cinderella story (or listen to Mrs Rowlands read it.) Retell the story together.


Draw a story map of Cinderella



Draw your favourite character from the story

Think of a ‘Guess who’ sentence about your character and write it underneath your drawing.

Read your ‘guess who’ to someone and see if they can guess who the character is.



Listen to your child read for 5 minutes or read them a story.

Use Bug club online (your child’s log in details are in their reading record)

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes

Use Bug club online

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes


See video

Paint your favourite character from the story. When it is dry, embellish your character with sequins or glitter, or draw details on with glitter pens or felt tips.

Make some puppets of the story characters using lolly sticks and paper. Can you retell the story?


Joe Wicks is doing live PE sessions on his You Tube channel every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Joe Wicks


Joe Wicks




Watch Mrs Rowlands Mindfulness video this week



Files to Download