
Welcome to the Governors section for the school.  

Our school vision is to provide a foundation for fulfilled lives, by inspiring confident and happy learners. We provide a rich and varied curriculum, delivered by highly skilled and motivated staff. We also believe the environment for learning has to be right.

We strive to ensure all children make excellent academic progress. At Dobcroft Infant School we also seek to balance the core elements of the curriculum with many other opportunities to develop wider skills, respect for each other and confidence within our children..

The Governing Body comprises staff, parents and other members of the community. Their rich skills combine to provide the strategic direction, financial oversight, support and local accountability to ensure we deliver that vision for our children.  

Please click around these pages to learn more about governors and our school.  If ever you wish to contact me, please feel free to do so via  Alternatively you can write to me direct as Chair Of Governors, care of Dobcroft Infant School, Pingle Rd, Sheffield S7 2LN.


Best regards,


Sarah Hinchliffe, Chair of Governors.