
Please see the uniform policy below for information.

Parents can order on line at and click on our school icon where you will be taken to our school page.  Uniform will be delivered within 2 weeks of placing your order to school free of charge or if you prefer to your home address but this will incur a delivery charge.

Pre-School and School badges are available if you would like to purchase your own sweatshirt and t-shirts from the school office as well as book bags and p.e bags.

Second Hand Uniform

As part of our drive to be an environmentally aware school our Eco Team sell good quality, second hand uniform at school events.  You can now also contact Gemma Bottery (a parent member of our Eco Team) on to request specific items.  Gemma will monitor this email on a weekly basis, so if you have suddenly realised that you need more school jumpers, please get in touch with her.