In the Foundation Stage

The children are taught how to build upon their own experiences and work towards achieving the Early Learning Goal (ELG) for Personal, Social and Emotional Development. This is divided into three main areas of Building Relationships, Managing Self and Self-Regulation.

The children have weekly circle time sessions covering different themes each half term

In Key Stage 1 

Our RHE curriculum covers work on relationships and Health and Wellbeing. Children focus on a different theme each half term:

In KS1 the children are taught skills and rules for staying healthy and safe and for behaving well. Children are given opportunities to show they can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. They begin to learn about their own and other people’s feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of others. They learn social skills such as how to share, take turns, play, help others, resolve simple arguments and resist bullying.

In line with the Sheffield RHE guidance the teaching of sex education begins in KS2 and is not covered within our school.

At Dobcroft Infant School our Relationships and Health Education is embedded in to our school ethos and curriculum.

Whole School Themes

Autumn 1


Spring 2  


Autumn 2


Summer 1

Staying Healthy



Summer 2

Growing up

Pastoral Care

  • Strong anti-bullying ethos
  • Playground leaders to initiate games
  • A friendship stop
  • Turn around Boxes for children to emotionally regulate.
  • Weekly RHE circle times
  • Put it Right areas in each classroom
  • Golden Moments reward system
  • Class contracts created by each class
  • Strong staff team plus teaching assistant support
  • Playground Leaders to support children at lunchtime
  • Trained welfare Supervisors support children
  • The Butterfly Room – a nurture room to support vulnerable learners
  • Praise and positive behaviour management systems.
  • Tracking of behavioural incidents and parental concerns     


Knowledge Organisers

Long Term Overview

Medium Term Plans 


In Action!

Intent, Implementation & Impact



