Reading Overview

We love READING!

Learning to read and becoming a fluent reader is a key priority and our aim is to teach children to read, so they can read to learn. We want to instil enjoyment of reading and help children progress towards becoming fluent, accurate, independent readers.

We strive to ensure that all pupils learn to read regardless of their background, needs or abilities. All pupils are immersed in a wealth of books from different genres, authors and cultures. At the heart of our reading curriculum is children’s enjoyment of reading. We aim to create an engaging and fun learning environment with reading at the centre of it.

We know that being a fluent reader holds the key to unlocking a world of adventure, fantasy, enjoyment and learning!

At Dobcroft Infants, we want our pupils to develop a life-long love of books by exposing them to a range of authors and high quality texts (These can be found in our reading spines on the English reading page). We aim for all children to become fluent readers with a love of reading through the high quality teaching of phonics and reading skills in order to develop their knowledge of the world in which they live.


How is Reading taught?

Children are taught to read during their daily Read Write Inc. Phonics session. For more information about Read Write Inc. Phonics, please see our English Phonics pages dedicated to this.

Once children complete the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme, they are confident, fluent readers. This will usually happen in Year 2.

Following on from the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme, children move to Free Reading and comprehension work. 

Children in KS1 also take part in Shared Reading lessons based on the Mastery approach. This allows children to share in stories, which might be above their reading level, but access and practise comprehension skills as well as share a love for a wider range of texts.


Reading for Pleasure

We have a newly decorated library, which is stocked with a range of fiction and non-fiction books from a variety of children’s authors that children are able to take home to read for pleasure.

Parent volunteers who come weekly to take the children for their library visits (see library timetable here) mind our school library. If you would like to get involved, please see your child’s teacher.  Children can also share their views and recommendations with book reviews for others to read found in the classrooms on the reading displays.