Maths Moments

What are Maths Moments?

Maths Moments are short 10-15 minute maths sessions led by teachers for the whole class each day. Maths Moments give children the opportunity to practise key skills and vocabulary, often linked directly to the concepts that they will be learning about in their maths lessons that week. Maths Moments consolidate learning outside of the core maths lesson and provide a fun way for pupils to practise applying their knowledge and skills on a regular basis, helping to continually build on their mastery of key concepts. They use singing, chanting, visual displays and manipulatives to support early number sense, mental calculation and understanding of a wide variety of mathematical concepts in relation to everyday life. 

When do Maths Moments happen?

Maths Moments happen daily in EYFS, and 4 times per week in Y1 and Y2.

What do Maths Moments look like?

Check out our Maths Moments videos to see our children in action.


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