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Please find below Dobcroft Infant School's last Ofsted report.

Dobcroft Infant School

Inspection report

Unique Reference Number 107048
Local Authority Sheffield
Inspection number 10199424
Inspection dates 1 & 2 Dec 2021
Reporting inspector Andrea Batley, lead inspector
Grade Good
Web link to report 


This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005.

Type of school Primary
School category Community
Age range of pupils 4-7
Gender of pupils Mixed
Number on roll 270


Appropriate authority The governing body
Chair Mr Andy Gates
Headteacher Mrs Cathy Rowland
Date of previous school inspection 15 and 16 May 2007
Previous Grade Outstanding
School address Pingle Road, Millhouses, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S7 2LN
Telephone number 0114 2368099
Age group 3-7


Information about this school
? Dobcroft Infant School is an above average sized infant school.
? The school is located in one of the least disadvantaged parts of the country. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is below the national average.
? The proportion of pupils with SEND is well below average.
? The executive headteacher is a national leader of education.
? The school does not currently use any alternative provision.
? The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is slightly above average.

Quotes from the report;

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to attend Dobcroft Infant School. They are happy and value the rich and varied experiences that leaders have planned for them. Parents recognise the
school as welcoming and inclusive. Behaviour is exceptional. Pupils said that bullying is rare but if it happens teachers deal with it quickly. Pupils enjoy learning and focus
well in lessons. Pupils are thoughtful and kind to each other. They are encouraged to see themselves as citizens of a wider world . They take part in challenges and join
clubs to identify sustainable ways to trave l to school or save the planet through recycling.

Leaders and all staff are highly ambitious for the school. They actively seek ways to improve it. Senior leaders involve the school in interesting projects, such as Unicef s
Rights Respecting Schools. These projects are used to ensure that pupils have a voice, share ideas and opinions and develop their own talents. Pupils have opportunities to discuss their thoughts about things happening in school or in the world, such as the recent C OP 26 summit . They are confident and enjoy sharing their ideas.
Leaders and teachers share a passion for making sure that pupils have exciting learning opportunities. They sa id that they want to ensure that the whole child is
developed ’’. They have extend ed their curriculum in some subjects to do this. Examples include Year 1 pupils having swimming lessons and Year 2 pupils learning
to play the violin.

Leaders are passionate about developing a love of reading. They have selected a core of ambitious texts for pupils to read while at the school. Year 2 pupils were
enthralled by Oliver Twist and talked with enthusiasm about a range of other books they had read in Y ear 1. Pupils are encouraged to read regularly. They take story
books home to share with parents, as well as their phonically decodable texts to practise reading skills. Some pupils attend Early Birds Reading Club to develop
greater confidence and fluency by reading to adults regularly.

Mathematics is a strength of the school. Leaders have developed a curriculum which supports teachers to plan lessons that engage and interest pupils. There is a clear
progression in learning across the school. Pupils are actively encouraged to develop a positive attitude to math ematics from the very start of each lesson through the
maths song. Many said that mathematics is their favourite subject.

Children in the early years get an exceptional start to their education. They are welcomed into foundation stage from a wide variety of different settings. They settle
quickly due to the caring and inspiring staff. The curriculum is ambitious and well planned . Staff are highly skilled and adapt learning to meet individual needs. Talk
and vocabulary development is at the heart of everything they do. This results in highly articulate children who are independent and keen to explain learning and
Leaders are ambitious for all pupils. They ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported in this school. Teachers skilfully
adapt learning to support pupils, in line with individual lea rning targets. Support from outside agencies is used effectively to ensure that staff are well trained . Teachers provide an environment that helps the se pupils to achieve well.The work that the school does to promote the personal development of pupils is exceptional. Parents value the focus leaders have put on develop ing pupils self confidence and resilience . Leaders provide well planned activities and experiences.
Pupils talked with enthusiasm about being healthy mind champions, helping others with problems or worries, and being playground leaders and e cadets
Senior leaders are inspiring role models for staff. They support the staff well and staff said that they are considerate. Staff are proud to be part of the school team.
Governors are involved and well informed. They visit the school regularly. There is a positive attitude to the introduction of new approaches to improve the school.