Intent Implementation & Impact


At Dobcroft Infants, we recognise the importance of equipping our pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and thrive in today’s ever changing world. Our computing curriculum is designed to develop pupil’s skills and knowledge through a progressive approach using practical and exploratory opportunities. Through providing a challenging, reflective and enjoyable curriculum, our pupils will be able to go out from Dobcroft and shine brightly, standing out in their communities as confident and responsible individuals.

Our computing curriculum aims to develop children as computational thinkers to enable them to solve problems across the whole curriculum and throughout life in general. Pupils' understanding of technology will be developed across the three main strands:

1) Information Technology - this is the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology.

2) Digital Literacy - this covers the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication.

3) Computer Science - this helps children of all ages to understand how computers and networks work. It gives children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming skills including algorithms, sequencing and debugging.

Pupils have access to computers in their classrooms through class computers, laptops and iPads. Pupils also have access to digital cameras, microphones, talking postcards and beebot programmable floor robots as part of their computing learning and learning through play to tinker with.  From home, children are able to access Purple Mash with their own login to complete their learning that has been set by their class teacher and create their own pieces of work too.  They can also log into Bug Club to access reading books specific to their book colour, and log onto Charanga to view songs that have been set by their class teacher.



The teaching of computing at Dobcroft Infant School will guide children to learn through a memorable, dynamic and cross-curricular approach. This thematic approach supports children’s natural curiosity, and through access to different devices, apps and programmes to explore, children will develop a progression of skills and understanding of technology in relevant contexts. This will equip them to use ICT and computing safely and responsibly throughout their time in our school, and beyond.

Learning opportunities for each year group are carefully planned to build on previously developed skills and knowledge across each academic year as well as throughout their primary education.


Early Years Foundation Stage

In Foundation Stage, the children will learn to recognise 

that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools.  They select and use technology for particular purposes.

Children will enjoy ‘tinkering time’ to allow them to explore the way that we can control


 technology e.g. using remote control toys and pressing buttons on our bee bot toys to help them reach their target.

Children in Foundation Stage will also begin to use technology for a specific purpose, like using a camera to take photographs, microphones or iPads to record and the intereactive whiteboard to create pictures.


Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1, the children will learn to understand what an algorithm is, and how it differs to a program.  They also learn how these algorithms are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions.  Children also create and debug simple programs. 

The children use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of these simple programs, and use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate, and retrieve digital content.  The children also will be able to recognise common uses of information technology beyond school.



Finally, the children will use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private, identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.




Pupil’s progress will be assessed informally over a period of time. Opportunities to celebrate children’s progress may present in many ways, such as through: a written summary of learning, screenshots of creations, saved programs, presentations, word processing documents, photographs, sound and video recordings. As such, children’s work is marked and written feedback given only where appropriate. Otherwise, feedback is given verbally to children in order to support them to progress within and across lessons.

The ‘process’ undertaken to arrive at finished products, algorithms or programs are as important as the finished products and this will be taken into account.


How can you help at home?

Make sure you child is familiar with the qwerty keyboard, know how to move the mouse around (including knowing the appropriate use of the right and left buttons), and have practise typing.  This could be researching something on the internet (with your supervision), typing up a shopping list, they could also type out their homework and email it to the class teacher.  Ask your child to turn on your laptop/ computer/ iPad/ tablet, including the monitor, and log on to the correct domain if necessary.  Make sure they can access the online virtual reading programme and Bug Club from home.

For more information on how to help your child at home and how to keep your child safe online please see the following websites: