Intent Implementation & Impact

Aims - Our vision

Our aim at Dobcroft Infant School is to encourage and develop the natural curiosity that all young children have about their world. We believe that it is important to enable children to actively learn by teaching them the skills they need to find answers to questions and increase their scientific knowledge. As they progress through school we seek to develop their ability to carry out their own, independent enquiries and become confident in expressing, and explaining, their own views.


  • Quality First teaching: variety of teaching styles, varied stimulus and a curriculum that has a progression of skills and knowledge
  • Key vocabulary is explicitly taught to increase children’s knowledge of the world
  • Quality Resources: a wide range of scientific equipment, access to the Phiz lab located at Totley Primary School, books, computers, iPads
  • First hand experiences to enhance the curriculum and embed children’s knowledge   e.g. local woods (with a focus on seasonal change) and The Deep (focus on animals and their habitats), parents who work in the science industry sharing their experiences.
  • Assess children’s learning accurately according to the FS and KS1 guidance

Impact of our science curriculum 

We aim for all children at Dobcroft Infant School to: 

  • The positive approach to teaching and learning will give children a good foundation and knowledge to understand the world around them.
  • Children will grow in confidence in science so they are able to express their ideas and observations through using scientific language
  • Formulate and share ideas and begin to work out ways of testing them
  • Children will develop an enthusiasm and fascination about science itself this will be done through teaching, trips and extracurricular activities such as science ambassador and science club.
  • Children will become curious about their environment and have a desire to carry out fair investigations and experiments to establish an answer to their question.
  • Help pupils develop, model and evaluate explanations through scientific methods of collecting evidence using critical and creative though