How To Help At Home


At Dobcroft Infant School, partnership with families is central to our practice. In the summer term before your child starts Foundation Stage 2, you will be invited to our new parent welcome meeting. At this meeting, you will hear about the day to day routines at school, as well as having the opportunity to meet your child’s class teachers, ask any questions you may have, and to visit the Foundation Stage classrooms.

In the autumn term, once the children have started school, parents are invited to a Foundation Stage 2 curriculum meeting. Here, staff explain the Foundation Stage curriculum in detail, with a particular focus on early phonics, reading and maths. At this meeting, each family will be receive a ‘Helping at Home’ pack containing information and resources that can support learning at home. 

Parents are also regularly invited to share in their child’s learning journey by sending in WOW moments from home. These WOW moments can be for a number of things, ranging from getting dressed independently, remembering to say please and thank you, or learning to write their name. Staff are always keen to hear about what the children are doing at home, and the children are excited to share their WOW moments with their friends in class and celebrate their successes together.

Please see the attached documents which offer more information about how to support your child at home with early literacy and maths skills. Also attached is information about how you can help your child to be ready for school with growing independence.

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