
We offer either 15 or 30 hours Pre-School place for your child from the start of the academic year. The hours will be 9.00am - 3.25pm with an option to pay for additional wrap around service with DASH (DASH is a before and after school club, please email separately to for any queries). Sessions are detailed below, please note that Pre-School follows the school's academic year including INSET days.


Free Early Learning Sessions

Beginning of the Week

Monday 9.00am - 3.25pm, Tuesday 9.00am - 3.25pm and Wednesday morning 9.00am - 12.00pm noon sessions if your child is entitled to 15 universal hours.

End of the Week

Wednesday 12.25pm - 3.25pm, Thursday 9.00am - 3.25pm and Friday 9.00am - 3.25pm sessions if your child is entitled to 15 universal hours.

Full time

Monday - Friday 9.00am - 3.25pm if your child is entitled to 30 FEL hours.


Full time

Monday - Friday 9.00am - 3.25pm if your child is entitled to 15 universal hours. Plus 15 hours payable at a cost of £120.00 per week.


Children staying for a full day will have lunch either a packed lunch from home or a school dinner.

Please note no lunches will be provided on a Wednesday, unless your child is attending for 30 hours.

School meals will be at a cost of £2 per day and a charge of £5 for lunchtime cover per day.


Eligibility for 30 Free Early Learning Hours

The offer is subject to parents being able to present confirmation (dern code) from HMRC that you are eligible (please see below) to the provision. The HMRC eligibility checker for parents applying for "30 hours" and tax free childcare is now live and can be found at

The place is also dependent upon you being able to provide a copy of your child's Birth Certificate and £50 cash deposit.