DIS KS1 Results
Key Stage 1 Results for 2019
Due to Covid 19 the government will not publish data from 2021/22. Please note that the 2019 data shown may no longer reflect current performance.
Attainment and progress |
School 2019 |
National 2019 |
% expected level of development at FS | 84.4 | 82 |
% working at expected standard in Y1 phonics | 92.2 | 82 |
% expected standard+, KS1 reading | 91.1 | 75 |
% greater depth, KS1 reading | 51.1 |
25 |
% expected standard+, KS1 writing | 87.8 | 69 |
% greater depth, KS1 writing |
30 |
15 |
% expected standard+, KS1 maths | 92.2 | 76 |
% greater depth, KS1 maths | 51.1 | 22 |