Topic and reading tasks w/b 11.5.20

Class: Eagles Year: 2019 - 2020

Good morning Year 2!

I hope you have all had a lovely bank holiday weekend with some VE day celebrations and are ready and raring for the week ahead! Here are some topic activities that you could do as part of your home learning. As always, these activities are not compulsory but we hope that some of you will enjoy having a go at them! If you are proud of the learning you have done (whether it is one of these activities or something different you have found to do at home) please keep emailing your teacher to show us what you have been working on or creating. We love hearing from you! 

Well done to everybody who entered their toilet roll challenge video to Mrs Harrison. The final video is amazing, and I really enjoyed spotting you all!

If you head over to twitter there is a new guessing competition involving the teachers launching today. 

Missing you lots,

Mrs Machin :)

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