Planning 28.6.21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

PSHE Discuss how some changes happen naturally and other changes are planned?
Circle time to discuss what they are looking forward to/ worried about moving forward to year 1
Children to make bunting to decorate outdoor areas for stay and play sessions.
PE Sports day Friday am – Run by Rugger Eds
Children to rotate round different activities.

Phonics - Daily sound of the day. Children to read and write words containing the sound of the day on whiteboards. Dictate a sentence, children to hold in heads and record. Check and edit work.

Individual reading with class teacher.

Read the story of the Rainbow Fish ( available on youtube)
Children to orally retell the story.
Shared write a retell of the rainbow fish. Model checking and editing work using the writing stars.
Children to write their own rainbow fish story using writing frame attached


Daily Maths Moment
Data Handling.
Can children use a tally chart to collect information about their favourite sea creature?
Transfer the information on to a block graph.

Taking it further
What does our graph show us? Can the children answer questions to show the most popular/least popular creature? What was the difference between them?

Expressive Arts Children to use the mirrors to draw a self-portrait in their sketch book.
Children to use the skills they have learnt over the last few weeks.
Children to present their work to each other in a class gallery.
Understanding the world

Children to practise moving through school to their new classroom.
What is the same/ different?


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