Mrs Featherstone's Blog

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Rabbits!

I've had lots of lovely photos from you, sharing what you have been doing and the things you have found. Keep them coming - I love to see them! Unless to you state otherwise, I will assume if you send me a photo, I can pop it on the blog. 


Ayaan has been doing some maths and pretending to be a teacher - very smart outfit Ayaan!



Isla has been playing with her baby and doing Joe Wick's workout!



Leo drew a stegosaurus, which, he tells me, is a herbivore. Do you know what that means? What a great drawing Leo - I love all those spikes. 

Max has had his birthday! Happy Birthday Max - I hope you had a lovely day - What a delicious looking cake!



Neve has been in the woods finding sticks that look like letters (Great finding Neve!), and watching a squirrel eating a rose! What a funny dinner!



William has been playing in his garden and looking for signs of spring. Great climbing William!



I have made a book nook. It is a little miniature world to live on your bookshelf!


We found some wild mushrooms in our garden. We looked them up in a  book and they are called Scarlet Elf Cups! They are edible so we picked them and are going to try them today. DON'T PICK OR TOUCH ANY MUSHROOMS OR FUNGUS YOU SEE UNLESS A GROWN UP SAYS IT'S OK!

My brother got a new dog! He is called Charlie. We are going to have to wait to meet him because he lives in America! He looks so cute - I can't wait to see what those ears feel like!


This is my cat Dart watching the birds and squirrels. He's been out exploring a lot, but he also likes to sleep a lot too!

If you want to grow some things, get Mum or Dad to look at this instagram account for lots of kitchen growing hacks. The account is arcadian_dawn

Have a lovely week and stay safe Rabbits. I miss you all loads!

Mrs F xx