Mrs Featherstone's Blog 8th June 2020

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Rabbits! 

I hope you are well and have had a nice weekend. It rained so much! Did you go outside and splash around? 

This week Hrishi and Leo sent me pictures as part of the challenge I set. I love their house pictures. They have drawn all the features, like windows and the colour of the door. Well done Leo and Hrishi!

This is Leo's drawing and his writing:


Leo's writing says - My favourite thing is going to school! Brilliant writing Leo! I can tell that you have been practising hard. 

Hrishi also sent a picture of his house and some writing:


Hrishi has written a story about a submarine! How brilliant. I love the pictures and you have used really interesting words like 'submersible'. Well done Hrishi!

You both get a Mrs Featherstone is super proud of me sticker!


Leo's sticker                                                                                   Hrishi's sticker

Well done boys! smiley

Hrishi also went for a walk and then made a HUGE clock!


What a great idea for helping you to learn to tell the time. Great work Hrishi.

This week the bird boxes I ordered came in the post. The small ones are for nuthatches, tree creepers and tits, and the large one is for a woodpecker! It's so heavy that I can hardly lift it up!


This is the woodpecker on our bird feeder. He is a bit shy, so he is really hard to photograph!

We're hoping that he might make a home in the woodpecker house! The woodpecker house has a small hole because the woodpeckers like to peck the hole bigger before they move in. We will have to see if they like it. We might be too late for this year....

We have had some gorgeous sunsets this week - you know how I like to photograph a sunset! Here are some of my favourite pictures.


Aren't the clouds amazing!


This week we went for a walk and I saw these flowers. They are called sweet peas and they smell beautiful!

We also saw some baby swans. Do you know what the name is for baby swans? If you find out can you email me and tell me?

I also saw this bumblebee in a flower. She was asleep as she wasn't moving at all! I think she was having a rest! You can tell she is a bumblebee because she is so furry.

This week Dart has decided that this chair is his favourite place to sleep. It is a children's chair and was mine when I was a baby. It is very small and I think Dart is a bit too big for it, but he seems to like it there! I think it's because it is halfway up the stairs and he can see everything that's going on and where everyone is!

This week I have noticed that there are a lot of faces in my house...


My barbecue is smiling at us, my sewing machine is surprised, and my other sewing machine has a koala with no ears! Can you see any faces in things in your house? If you can, then send them to me! I would love to see them!

Do you remember that I posted a video of all the plants I planted? They are growing really well and are going to flower soon. At the same time I planted some wildflower seeds and they are growing too! I am so happy!


Can you see the tiny green seedlings? It'll be a wildflower meadow before we know it!

Ok, that's all I've got for this week. I hope that you have a brilliant week - don't forget to send me your faces in places pictures, and if you can write a sentence about it too, then I will give you a special sticker!

Have a great week Rabbits! Keep fluffy!

Love from 

Mrs F xx