Mrs Featherstones Bedtime Story 12th June 2020 featuring Cory and Hrishi!

Class: Mice Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello foundation stage lovelies!

This week's story is one I recorded after half term and forgot to post! It's called Little Beauty.

Little Beauty by Anthony Browne

I hope you love it - you can listen to it here:

Also! We have two extra stories this week! Cory from the Ladybirds has sent a film of him reading a story, and Hrishi has sent a film of himself reading a story! They are totally brilliant! Three stories this weekend! You can find the links below. 

Well done boys - here is a sticker each for you! Fabulous reading guys!


                 Cory's sticker                                       Hrishi's sticker

Cory's story:

Hrishi's story:

Have a great weekend everyone! Send me your stories to

Love from Mrs F xx