Maths Home Learning w/b 11.1.21

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1,

Here is the Maths remote learning for w/b 11th January. There are 3 lessons. For each  lesson there is one video and one pdf with the activities.  For lesson 1 there is a supported sheet which will provide a more structured task for your child if they find the learning tricky.

Please note for each lesson there is an independent task and a deepening task.  The independent task is what we expect all children to complete to show their understanding of the learning. The deepening task is intended to give opportunites for children to apply their learning to different contexts and to explain their understanding.  Some of the tasks may be challenging for your child and if this is the case then that is ok, we do not expect all children to complete all of the deepening tasks in all lessons, but we do encourage them to challenge themselves and take risks with their learning.   

You will also find over the coming weeks that we will start to include 'challenge chest' activities alongside the home learning.  These challenges will provide another opportunty for your child to apply their knowledge to different contexts and to solve some open ended problems.  They are intended to be a challenge and are only intended to be extra optional activity for your child if they have confidently and independently completed all the rest of the maths learning.


I have attached the worksheets and hyperlinked the videos below (click on the lesson name which should appear blue and underlined: 

Lesson 1 - Place value 

Lesson 2 - One more / One less 

Lesson 3 - Comparing Amounts 


For the learning this week you will need the following resources:

  • Number cards / digit cards to 20 (including in maths resources pack, link to this page is given below)

  • Print out dienes (included in maths resource update folder, link to this page is given below

If you are unable to print off the dienes then you could use sticks and stones (sticks for tens and stones for ones) or any other items you have around your house.


Take care

Year 1 Team 

Files to Download