Home learning ideas for your enthusiastic under 5s!

Here are lots of ideas and activities to keep young children busy!

Easy Activities to do at home:

1.Spider’s web: Turn the hall into a spider’s web: with tape or wool… you have to go through it but without touching it!
2. Foot drawings: Are you able to write your name with your foot or draw a house? You may find you surprise yourself, but you’re guaranteed a giggle in attempting to master the pen with your toes
3. Plant a seed: Take a lentil or chickpea and plant it in some wet cotton. Watch it grow
4. Homemade Puppets: Find some old socks, sew some buttons on them as eyes, and make your own puppet show
5. Hide messages around the house: Take some post-its and hide surprise messages around the house; you’re sure to get a smile out of the person who finds them


Helpful websites:


Here is a delicious recipe for banana bread!


Why not make some puppets from your favourite book using wooden spoons and paint or felt pens?



Have fun together - and check back regularly for more ideas!

Love from The Foundation Stage Team