Home learning activities for Ladybirds 22.06.20

Happy Monday Everyone!

Last week you had Incy Wincy Spider planing, and I expect that there were some activities you didn't get time to do, so this week, the children in Nursery are continuing with spider activities so that they can get everything done. The children have been really enjoying it!

Below are some more activities for you to try at home. 

Attached there is planning for a spider web walk, noticing patterns and learning about fantastic spiders. This website shows you how to collect spider webs to keep forever. You can use spray glue instead of paint if you prefer.

There is also planning for making a bug home.

Below is an activity to make a spider scavenger hunt and the website with further activities is here:

Make a spider web scavenger hunt for kids to find the bugs for the spider

Make a spider web with string or wool

The spider web scavenger hunt for Halloween

Stick insects to the wool - you could use clothes pegs or paper clips if yours are paper.

Bug placement for spider web scavenger hunt

Give your children a challenge sheet:

Bug cards for spider web Halloween scavenger hunt

And off they go!

Boys going on the spider web scavenger hunt for Halloween

After wards you can get them to use the bugs to do simple counting activities, or writing if your child is older - 'I got 3 bugs'.

If you have plastic bugs or spiders you could hide them around the house like an easter egg hunt and have them find them. Hours of fun!

Have a fantastic week and let me know what you get up to!

Mrs F and the Foundation Stage team x

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