Foundation Stage weekly blog 1st June 2020

Class: Mice Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello All!

We hope you had a good half-term week. Some of you will be back in school this week, but many of you are still at home, so here are some ideas of things you might like to do this week. There is the plan for our welsh theme day posted on the site and the children in school will be using this on Wednesday.

You might also like to do some of the following:

  • Take a book outside into the garden or the park and read in the sunshine.
  • Do a sound hunt outside and draw all the things you can hear, smell, see, taste, and feel.
  • Find all the things in the garden that start with sh, ch, f, s, and draw them. Challenge each other with a letter to find. Create a collection of objects – can you make an alphabet with objects – something that begins with a, b, c, etc
  • Write your name, a word, or sentence using pebbles, leaves, sticks.
  • Can you use 10 stones to find all the numbers that add up to make 10 eg 4 + 6 = 10?
  • Can you write the calculation in some sand? Or in some mud with a stick?
  • Have a look at this website and choose an activity to do.


This week we have been making flatbreads. They are so easy to make and very tasty – you can use them for sandwiches or wraps or kebabs, or you can cut them into strips and dip them in dips. They use two ingredients!

Easy 2 Ingredient Yogurt Flatbreads

Enjoy the sunshine - don't forget the suncream! You can hear me read a bedtime story - keep looking on Friday for the next one!

Stay safe Foundation Stage peeps!

Love from The Foundation Stage Team xx